Driving Test Cancellations - Practical Test Cancellations

If you’ve been looking for a company who can provide you with a range of practical test cancellations, then Earlier Driving Test could be the place for you. We are one of the UK’s leading companies in finding our customers a range of early driving test dates, with over 8 years of impeccable experience, you can trust that you are in the very best hands, so why not give us a call today?

When searching our database for the practical test cancellations, we constantly check around the clock through 5 different test centres of your choice, to ensure that we get you the best time at the place closest to you. Once we’ve found a suitable time for you, we will reserve it and notify you immediately, if it suits you, then all you need to do is reply to us through text or email within 15 minutes and we will book it. If it’s not what you’re after, there is no need to reply and we will continue to search for a more suitable time and date.

Along with our practical test cancellations, we also offer a range of short notice tests for those of you who want to get their test booked as quickly as possible. If you know you can’t take your driving test, it’s recommended you cancel with a minimum of three days notice to ensure you don’t forfeit your paid fee, this also gives other candidates a chance to get booked in at short notice. Although short notice tests aren’t as common, they’re worth looking out for.

When signing up to see our practical test cancellations, all you need to do is enter your details into the Buy Page and select a time and date that suits you best. After entering your details, you will be asked to make a payment to cover the cost of the test, then we will take care of the rest and find you the date you’ve been looking for. We know that you want to get on the road as soon as possible, we have helped thousands of people get an early driving test and we can help you too. If we can’t find you a test date that matches your criteria, we will provide you with a full refund, no questions asked.

If you would like to speak to a member of our team regarding our practical test cancellations, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today. You can give us a call on either 0207 112 4870 or 07707 045982 where we are always on hand to answer any questions you may have or provide you with more information regarding our services. Alternatively, you can send us an email to [This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it] and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as we can.