Driving Test Cancellations - UK Driving Test Cancellations

If you’re looking for a list of UK based driving test cancellations, then Earlier Driving Test could be the company for you. Thanks to our incredibly efficient technology, we are able to find thousands of earlier driving test dates every single day, in up to five locations accessible to you. Once you’ve found the slot for you, we can get it booked as soon as possible, getting you on the road fast. To find out more, why not head over to our website?

We understand that learning to drive is never a cheap experience. So, the sooner you pass your test, the sooner you can stop paying for the expensive lessons and start saving. People change and cancel their practical test all the time and we are lucky enough to obtain a list of UK driving test cancellations dates as soon as they become available - giving you the chance to get in earlier. We are working seven days a week, looking at a number of different locations to make sure we can find you the ideal date, time and test centre, making the process simple and easy.

To get your hands on our UK driving test cancellations, all you need to do is fill in our short sign-up form, giving you access to our services. We offer a number of different packages that start from just £19.99, you just need to pick one, make the payment and you will begin to receive texts and emails as the dates become available. You just have to let us know your preferred time and dates you would like your test to be, as well as five preferable test centres across the country. Once you receive a notification, you have 15 minutes to decide if its suitable for you, if so, just send ‘YES’ and the slot is all yours.

We even offer a range of short notice UK driving test cancellations. For those who are looking to cancel, you must give at least three days notice to the DVSA to avoid losing your payment fee, otherwise, you forfeit the money. If someone knows for sure they can’t take their test on the day, they will still choose to cancel, to give another candidate the chance to take their test earlier. We are in no way associated with the DVSA or DVLA, our service just automates the process for you, taking out the legwork on your end. This gives you the chance to focus on your lessons instead of hunting for a cancellation space.

If you would like to speak to a member of our team regarding our UK driving test cancellations, then why not give us a call today? You can call us on either 0207 112 4870 or 07707 045982, we always have someone on hand who is able to answer your questions and even get you signed up over the phone. You can even send us an email to [This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it] , we will do our best to get back to you at the earliest convenience.